(F)requently (A)sked (Q)uestionsHere you will find frequently asked questions that have been submitted to me as well as ones that I have when going to sites. |
Q. What domains and sub domains are contained in
this site? I want to allow access to this site or I restrict options
per site.
A. Here are the current domains and sub domains used with this site.
Q. Why did you create this site? A. I created this site for several reasons. First, I've always had free sites and they have all been scattered all across the web. I wanted to know what it would be like to have a site that is all my own. Then I did nothing with it. Second, I finally went back to college and a web development class was part of the AAS degree that I'm studying for. Third. it is fun!!! And that is the best reason I can think of to do any thing.
Q. Can I get copies of the pictures found on this site? A. No. What you can do is use the information at the bottom of those pages for the sites where you can get the pictures and permission to use them from that site. |